UNICEF'S Social Cash Transfer Program in Liberia is designed as a social assistance program to help vulnerable households that are labor constrained and extremely poor. These families cannot afford a meal a day. Heads of households receive a bi-monthly payment to sustain their family. The program is helping family's like Joseph's break out of the cycle of poverty. "You can only eliminate poverty if the very poor are reached" says Liberian Minister of Gender and Social Welfare, Minister Julia Duncan-Cassell. 

When Joseph's family first started in the program, he used the funds to fix leaks in their house. After graduating from the stage of covering their basic needs, he utilized the funds to expand his farm and buy a new chalkboard to help educate his children.  In his words, "This program is beneficial to the Liberian people because it helps us graduate from the poverty stage." 

Client: UNICEF
Cinematography: Sarah Grile, Morgana Wingard
Producer: Morgana Wingard
Editor: Sarah Grile
Music: WinjammerCandlegravityFlux Bikesiambic2