A large group gathers together in Zomba, Malawi to watch the Wande Wande drama group perform. In Malawi, more than half of children suffer from chronic malnutrition, which can result in stunting, “There are a lot of factors that contribute to this,” says Charles Simbi, who works with the Center for Development Communications (CBCC). "We found out that there are knowledge issues, issues to do with attitudes, as well as beliefs, traditions and conceptions.” To help bring awareness about malnutrition and inspire change, CBCC uses educational videos and interactive theatrical plays to communicate the message. “The response so far has been good,” says Simbi, “It’s entertaining but at the same time bringing out the issues, contextualizing the messages, the communities are really entertained but as well as educated.

Florence Chokani, a member of the Wande Wande drama group, was trained by Story Workshop in 2016 and 2017. She learned about the six food groups and the importance of taking children to receive antenatal check-ups so that they can remain healthy. She and other drama group members now perform skits to teach the community members about what they learned. 

The performances and films end with a question and answer session. This helps people to comprehend the messaging. Chokani says, “A lot of people are now changing. We can see that the children of malnutrition are reducing in number.”

Location: Malawi
Client: UNICEF
Videographer: Josh Estey
Editor: Sarah Grile
Music: Biblo